Certified quality assurance for electronic components

Our Services


We guarantee the authenticity of your components and thus ensure compliance with the highest quality standards.

Quality inspection

We check your components with regard to specified quality criteria such as performance, durability and reliability.

Fault and damage diagnosis

We examine faulty or damaged assemblies, identify the cause and work with your engineers to find a solution.

Test procedure at a glance

Our experienced team tests your electronic components. According to standardized procedures. With the latest technologies.

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    Incoming goods inspection

    Documentation of all labels and packaging. Inspection for correctness of delivered components, quantities and labels. Packaging is checked for damage and manufacturer specifications. We pay particular attention to the design of the labels to ensure that they comply with the manufacturer’s specifications.

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    Geometry check

    Measurement of the geometry of the components and comparison with the specifications from the data sheet.

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    Microscopic examination

    An eye for detail: Examining the condition of the housing, solder contacts and labeling. Particular attention is paid to signs of corrosion, oxidation or other damage.

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    Surface test

    To detect surface manipulation, such as “blacktopping”, a cotton swab soaked in acetone is rubbed on the component surface and the surface is examined before and after the test.

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    Chemical composition of the solder surfaces

    Laser-induced breakdown spectroscopy is used to analyze the chemical composition of the solder surfaces. These results are compared with the data sheet and RoHS regulations.

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    X-ray examination

    Examine the internal structure of the components: Is there a bonding conductor? Have the correct bonding wires been used? Are all supplied components identical? Can any damage be detected?

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    Remove the potting compound to expose the semiconductor. Does it have structures typical of the component? It is also examined for inscriptions that can prove its authenticity.

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    Solderability test

    Immediately after the most important property of an electronic component: its function, comes its processability. This is examined using the standardized solderability test (according to IPC J-STD-002E 2017).

Advantages at a glance

Fastest test laboratory

Receive your IDEA-STD-1010 test including X-Ray, Lead Finish Evaluation and Decapsulation within only 24 hours after receipt of the component.

High quality

We only use state-of-the-art equipment, from stereo microscopes to to X-ray equipment. We develop the ideal laboratory environment.


We record results precisely, offer well-founded interpretations and are on hand to answer any questions you may have.

Your contact

Dr.-Ing. Paul Braun

Global Director Quality, Control & Research

As an expert in the field of semiconductor technology and author of publications on, for example, component falsification and the popcorn effect, Dr. Paul Braun is head of the SI TechLAB. He gained his in-depth knowledge at the TU Darmstadt, where he completed his doctorate in materials science.

As the best materials tester of his graduating class at Rittal RGS, Dr. Braun brings both in-depth theoretical knowledge and broad practical experience to establish the SI TechLAB as a center of technological excellence.

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